• Pre KG BK Convent Inter College

Admission Rules

Sr. No. Class Years
(A) Pre KG 3 Years
(B) LKG 4 Years
(C) UKG 5 Years

Admission will be made on the basis of pre admission test in all class except in Pre KG on Interview basis.
The College reserves the right to admit or to refuse admission to anybody at any time without assigning any reason for his action.


1. Late comers will not be allowed to attend classes without the written permission of the Principal.
2. No child is expected to be absent from college without a valid reason and a leave application from the parents which should be submitted within three days of absence.
3. All leave applications should bear the signature of the parents or in their absence the guardian. Failure to bring such an application for leave/ will make the students liable to be sent home.
4. In case of absence due to sickness Medical Certificates from a registered practitioner should be submitted on the day of rejoining the college.
5. A student who is absent from the class continuously for ten days or more without the leave sanctioned by the Principal may have his/her name struck off the rolls without any notice.. The Principal however, may allow re-admission.
6. A student whose name has been struck off for absence without leave and who is habitually late or persistently careless and undisciplined may not be re-admitted to the college.
7. No student can leave the college premises during college hour without permission of the principal.
8. Every student must have at least 90% attendance during the academic year falling short of which the student will not be allowed to take the examination that year.

Parental Cooperation

1. Parents are required to check the diaries of their children daily to ensure that their wards are doing their work regularly.
2. Remarks made in the college diary should be acknowledged and countersigned regularly by parents.
3. The Parents must intimate the college whenever their residential address is changed in order to communicate to them in urgent matter in the interest of their children.
4. Parents must send their children to the college punctually, regularly and neatly dressed.
5. They should give time to their children by supervising their study, by checking the books they read and the company they keep.
6. They must co-operate with the college by following the rules and regulations of the college, by showing concern for the welfare of the college, by paying their dues on time.
7. Parents must attend the parent-teacher meetings regularly to ensure child’s progress.
8. Parents must ensure that their wards are escorted safely to college and back home.
9. Parents are not allowed to meet their children or their teachers during college hours without prior permission of the principal.
10. Parents are expected to participate regularly in the college functions.
11. They are requested to avoid criticism of teachers in the presence of their wards.
12. Result cards duly signed by parents must be returned to the respective class teachers within 3 days.
13. If due to unavoidable reasons, their wards cannot attend college, they must send leave letters within three days. However they are requested not to send sick student to college.
14. Parents are requested not to make their programs for an outing with their children during teaching day.

College Rules

1. Attending the morning college assembly is compulsory for all the students as it inculcates a sense of companionship and discipline among the students.
2. Parents are not allowed under any circumstances to enter the main college building.
3. Students are not allowed to wear any jewellery, makeup and their nails should be trimmed properly.
4. Strict action will be taken if a student is found guilty of damaging college property.
5. Absolute silence must be maintained at all places during the teaching hours.
6. The college does not accept responsibility for the loss of books, money, clothes, games, articles, watches, etc. of the students.
7. Students should at all costs avoid writing, carving on walls or desks as these are detrimental to good education and a sign of low taste. The Principal may levy fine/penalty on the individual or the group responsible for the damage.
8. It is obligatory for the students to attend every class on the time-table.
9. Every child is expected to contribute to the values and standards of the college by his/her conduct, discipline and commitment to studies.
10. In the absence of the teacher, the class monitor assumes responsibility for order and discipline of the class. He should fulfill his duty with loyalty and impartiality.
11. No child is allowed to bring the mobile phone in college premises.
12. The college does not accept responsibility legal or otherwise for unforeseen accidents in the college or while traveling in the college buses and on tours and travel.
13. Students suffering from any contagious infectious disease must complete the quarantine period before re-joining the college.
14. Use of profane insulting language or immoral behavior will be considered serious offences and the punishment can amount to the student’s expulsion from the college.
15. Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited on the college campus.
16. The college reserves the right to waive any of the rules in this prospectus, without assigning any reason for the action.


1. Getting 60% marks in each subject is essential for promotion.
2. There is no provision of supplementary examination. Students found absent will not be re-examined.
3. The results once finalized will not be revised / reviewed.
4. Teachers may conduct random and surprise tests to ensure regular progress of students.
5. Rules and regulations mentioned herein may be changed as per decisions of the college management without any prior notice.